Are your preparing to lodge the request for permit with the Department of Agriculture to export plant and animal based products from Australia? If yes, you must also learn about the procedure to obtain Phytosanitary/Health certificate without which you can’t export these commodities. There are different sets of requirements for the documents and certificates in case of the plants and plant-based products. Here’s a brief overview of each one of them.
Phytosanitary Certificate E16
It approves that the products being exported have undergone inspection against the pests and are free from the quarantine and injurious pests. The certificate is prepared adhering to the international templates and to fulfil the specific phytosanitary requirements of the destination country.
Phytosanitary Certificate EX25
It is the Australian re-export phytosanitary certificate which is required if you wish to export the prescribed products imported from some other country. For this, you must be able to produce the phytosanitary certificate obtained from the original country along with the goods. Also, the products will be inspected to ensure that they have not been infested while in Australia before the certificate for re-export is issued.
Other Certificates
A phytosanitary certificate for export mentions important things like the details about the exporter and consignee, place of origin, country of final destination, point of entry, container number, consignment details, disinfestation treatment details and so on. However, there are certain matters like quality statements that are not mentioned on these certificates. For this, you need to obtain other certificates, some of which include:
- Declaration and Certificate as to Condition EX188 which is issued for the non-prescribed plant products.
- Export Clearance Declaration EX222 which complies with the 1982’s Export Control Act. By providing this declaration, the exporter takes the responsibility to ensure that the goods continue to adhere to the mentioned condition or restriction until exported.
An important part of preparing Phytosanitary Certificates is to thoroughly read and understand the importing country’s regulations and requirements. For this, you can consult the industry experts like the team which specializes in export documentation services like Health/Phytosanitary Certificates, Certificate of Origin, EDN and more.